- Work in Progress
Given a python command line program called GOATOOLS, my task was to build a web interface that would make the program more accessible for biologists doing Gene Ontology Enrichment Analysis. This was the most challenging project I have worked on to date since it required me to use a language that I was not familiar with and also required me to write some code for the backend.

Dapper Goose Website
- June 2016
The primary goal for this site was to keep it simple. A new restaurant for which the owners moved to a new city implied that the site would change very quickly so I focused only on the information that would be of the utmost importance.

Neighborhood Map
- Feb 2016
Web application that finds points of interest in my neighborhood using Google Maps. The application also makes AJAX calls to the Foursquare, Wikipedia, and Google Places API’s to provide information relevant to the locations that are found. This was built using knockout.js for data-binding.

Frogger Clone
- Nov 2015
A game that is based on the classic arcade game, Frogger, which I built as part of my Nanodegree program on Udacity.com. I was given a game engine and assets. It was my job to write Object Oriented code to provide player, enemy, and gem logic. The game was built using Javascript and HTML canvas.

Mobile Portfolio
- Dec 2015
Part of the Front-End Nanodegree at Udacity.com focuses on performance. I was given a complete site that performed woefully and was expected to optimize the site to load as fast as possible. The site started with a Page Speed Insights score of 28 for mobile and I was able to improve this to 95.

Resume Project
- Oct 2015
A website to showcase my skills. This served as my introduction to Javascript at Udacity.com. Having learned the basics of HTML and CSS, it was time to learn the power of JQuery.

Portfolio Site
- Sept 2015
A very basic portfolio site that was built using purely HTML and CSS. The focus of this was to learn the basics of responsive design and use my newly acquired HTML/CSS knowledge. I used srcset to provide appropriate sized images depending on the device that is viewing the site as well as SVG icons for beautiful scaling.